Skincare 101: How your detergent can affect your skin


When you’re in need of a little “me-time,”  a good skincare routine can be a perfect go-to. 毕竟, 谁不喜欢漂亮的面膜呢, 几根黄瓜, and a moisturizer that makes your skin feel silky smooth? But when it comes to pampering your skin, t在这里’s one thing that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves: your laun干 detergent. 

Did you know laun干 detergents leave residue behind on your clothing that can be readily absorbed by your skin? So if you’re wondering why your skin is irritated, 干, 或发痒, you may want to check the ingredient list on the back of that detergent bottle. Harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and optical brighteners are often the culprit.   

皮肤是人体最大的器官. Let’s talk about how to give it the love it deserves.



像肥皂, detergents contain surfactants which work to loosen dirt and oil particles so they can be washed away. Some detergents use gentle surfactants – while others can use harsher ones that cause irritation to sensitive skin. 最十大赌博官方正规网址的, coconut-derived surfactants will have the word “coco” in the name, 比如“可可硫酸钠”.“就应该避免什么而言, keep a watch out for ingredients that end in “eth” such as sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), ceteareth, 或steareth. These are likely to contain 1,4-Dioxane, a known carcinogen and neurotoxin. 

Synthetic fragrances are another common irritant. 它们是一大类化学物质, and brands often use proprietary blends that make it difficult to track the exact ingredients. If you think fragrance might be the culprit, try using a scentless detergent, like our ECOS低过敏性无 & 清洁洗衣液.

Other common irritants include chlorine bleach, formaldehyde-releasing preservatives and optical brighteners – but since t在这里 is no federal requirement for laun干 detergents to list their ingredients, it can be extra difficult to pin down what’s causing your irritation. If you want more tips on how to spot these ingredients in your products, head to our page on “有害物质 获取完整的独家新闻. 

One thing to keep in mind is allergies to the ingredients listed above typically develop slowly over repeated use, so what works one day may not work the next. Once you develop the allergy though, it only takes a small amount to get a reaction. 为什么不干脆完全避免呢? 最好的办法就是积极主动, 用清水洗衣服, 从一开始就是温和的洗涤剂. 

(来源: Healthline)


It’s time to start thinking of laun干 care as skincare 

Your clothing serves many functions, but irritating your skin should never be one of them. That’s why we like to think of laun干 care as another category of skincare, especially since chemical residue from your clothing can easily be absorbed by your skin. 例如, conventional detergents can cause a condition called “contact dermatitis” –  a red, itchy rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to it (Reference: 梅奥诊所). 其他症状包括干燥, 破裂的皮肤, 肿块和水泡, 有时肿胀或压痛.

Healthy skin is an important barrier against infection. And while dermatitis causes no serious harm to your body, it’s often uncomfortable. 更不用说, a common dermatitis symptom like 干 skin can cause premature fine lines and wrinkles. (来源: 梅奥诊所).

也许是最严重的问题, is the effect laun干 detergent can have on people with eczema, a chronic skin disorder characterized by 干, 有鳞的, 皮肤瘙痒. Since the 1970s, the incidence of atopic eczema has nearly tripled! (来源: EHS今天) While t在这里’s no clear cause for why eczema has increased, many studies point to environmental changes, and it’s well-documented that irritants and allergens can trigger the immune system, 引起湿疹发作. 仅美国就有6%的人患有湿疹. So when you really start to break it down, thinking of laun干 as skincare feels like a no-brainer. That’s why we recommend taking care of you and your loved one’s skin early and proactively with a hypoallergenic detergent.  


How to get laun干 that’s a win for your skin 

If you’re already familiar with the symptoms we’ve been describing – don’t fret! T在这里’s lots of things you can do to get your skin back on track. The most obvious one is switching to a dermatologist-tested laun干 detergent like our Hypoallergenic 洗衣 Detergent with Enzymes.  它不仅是植物驱动的, but it comes with stain-fighting enzymes that are tough on stains but soft on skin. All our laun干 detergents use cleaners derived from plant oils for a powerful-yet-gentle clean. 

Our formulas also soften your clothing all on their own, so you can toss out those pesky 干er sheets that are known to cause irritation. 最后, It may seem odd to wash something that’s meant to clean, but washing machines can get a buildup of soap scum and irritating chemicals if not rinsed regularly. Try a hot water cycle with just baking soda and vinegar to rid your washer of any remaining allergens. 然后你换了个清洁剂, 低过敏性洗衣皂 将会完成. 

好了的人, we hope these tips round out your skincare routine and help your skin be its smoothest, 柔软的自我. And if you have any questions about the care we put into our plant-powered formulas, head to our 清洁 化学 page for more in-depth research, or feel free to reach out to us 在这里